Your website made in seconds

Simply describe your idea or business in a few words and get a great looking website, live and online for just $7 a month

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You can build your dream website in just a few simple steps. Whether you're a small business owner, blogger, or creative professional, we have all the tools you need to showcase your brand and reach your online goals.

Publish your HTML site in seconds

Our AI-powered tool uses your description to generate content and select matching images, creating a website that is tailored to your needs.

Customize your website with your own call to action

Choose from a selection of options from collecting an email through to connecting your booking system. Add your own social links and contact details.

Create a website that is faster and more Google-friendly

Our websites are published as HTML, ensuring faster loading times and better search engine optimization compared to Content Management Systems.


Create Websites with AI

Our AI-powered tool uses advanced algorithms to automatically generate website content and select relevant royalty-free images, saving you time and effort in building your website.

Fast Website Creation

With our automated website creation tool, you can have a fully functional website up and running in seconds, allowing you to focus on other aspects of your business.

Customizable Call To Action

Choose from a variety of call to action options to engage your website visitors and drive them towards your desired actions.

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How does YEMOai website hosting price compare to others?

Our mission at YEMOai goes beyond simplifying website creation — we are committed to making it affordable for you too. We take pride in how effortlessly you can turn your idea into a live website with minimal effort and no technical skills required. On top of that, we ensure our pricing remains highly competitive, as you can see from the chart below YEMOai offers you the best of both worlds: ease of use and exceptional value.


YEMOai websites consistently achieve top scores on Google Lighthouse. This means your site is more likely to rank higher in Google searches, making it easier for people to find you.






Best Practices



Create your YEMOai website now!

Ready to embark on your website creation journey with YEMOai? Experience the future of website development today by signing up for our AI-powered platform. Let YEMOai streamline the process, so you can focus on what truly matters – bringing your vision to life online. Welcome to the seamless and innovative world of YEMOai. Start creating your website now.

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